May, 2014
A year ago I met Raquel. shortly after she invited me to illustrate her book. I, as always pessimistic, made million of questions about the production and the budgets. Later Raquel and life proved me that when you have a dream you don’t wait for an opportunity to fall into your lap. Raquel wanted to write a book, fought for it, accepted help from her closest friends and family, involved interesting and also new people on the project. This book is the result of all this and more.
I accepted the invitation because I’ve always wanted to illustrate a book and because Raquel made me believe it was possible.
For each of the 12 tales I did an illustration and five details. From the beginning I knew the book would be printed in black and white so I choose to work in two colors, black and grEy. I made the two layers separately in parchment paper, as if it was silkscreen.
12 tales
117 pages written by Raquel Caldevilla
design by Fred Gomes
illustration by me
o “12” está à venda aqui: