LOWBRA – Collective Show
September, 2012
“When I started, I wanted to prove to myself that I could do it. The first girls (of Graffiti) wanted to prove mother-nature wrong. They wanted to show that girls have “balls” too.”
Lady Pink (precursor American streetartist and the firstwoman to paint on trains.)
Following URB4N ART LX’s huge success, gathering in Lisbon some of the most representative portuguese artists questioning the concept of “urban art”, INFLUX now presents LOWBRA. Originated from the idea of women’s under-representation in art, LOWBRA plays with the word Lowbrow thus taking us immediately to the feminine universe.
Vanessa Teodoro (aka The Supervan), Maria Imaginário, Mariana a Miserável, Min and Leonor Morais all have diverse origins: from street art/graffiti to design, from illustration to painting or advertising. For the LOWBRA exhibition each artist presents a site-specific project which revolves around the theme of “female perspective” in art. These concepts, as happens with “urban art”, are global and broad. They are also prone to misunderstandings and distortions. With that in mind, the artists were given total freedom to approach this thematic without compromises and encouraged to face those misunderstandings and clichés of “female art” as a ghetto”. They were also given the freedom to interact with the gallery space facilitating the dialog between artworks and favoring plastic contamination dynamics between different scales of visual representation.
text by
Teresa Pearce de Azevedo